The cultivation of Ponni rice has been in the picture ever since the civilization of mankind. Rice farming required a very fertile land with a good water supply where seeds were sown to reap seedlings that once uprooted were planted in the fields to yield paddy. During the civilization the population to be fed was quite little and agricultural practices were the only way of life. In the course of this period, organic fertilizers and manures were predominantly used which is now popularized as organic farming. However, with further development and refinement especially post the green revolution, the demand for food supply increased enormously. This led to the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, harmful DDTs, and others to increase productivity to save the world from hunger and starvation at any cost.
Although an evident enhancement in productivity was witnessed, the chemicals used are highly dangerous and are the major causes of various health disorders including the life-threatening cancer spread around the world. The continual use of these chemical fertilizers and pesticides washes away the fertility of the land, causes acidic rain, and affects the entire environmental cycle. It was then realized that the use of these harmful synthetic compounds would turn the world upside down and make the dear earth unfit for living. Soon after the realization of the effects caused by the use of harmful productivity boosters, farming in the nature’s way with the use of natural manures and compost was made the priority.
Organic farming is nothing but the use of nature-friendly fertilizers like compost made at home with degradable food waste, cow dung, animal feces, earthworms, and others to cultivate the soil. This eco-friendly way of farming involves very less investment, ensures sustainability, and yet enhances productivity leading to a hearty disease-free living. The benefits of organic farming are attaining recognition and are being adopted by the farmers due to the positive response from the consumers. The rice outcome obtained by adopting organic farming was quickly endorsed by the farmers. The fertile condition required for rice farming can be attained with the use of green manure and vermicompost bio-fertilizers that can be easily prepared at home. The investment of the farmers can be uplifted and their standards of living can be reinstated by embracing the organic way of farming. This helps to maintain sustainability in the environment, retain the fertility of the soil, reduce the cost of rice, diminish the poverty of the farmers, and literally has the ability to correct everything.
Although we depart away from nature’s way in the direction of advancement, nature always retracts us back to its way. The transition towards green is on the rise and the adoption of organic farming has positively impacted agriculture in India. Organic farming is imperative to bring about economies of scale for the small and marginal farmers from rural areas. Let us support the revolution of the real Green!